Wednesday, 10 September 2008

New iPod Nano

..and i was just thinking about getting a new iPod, and apple release this ( :Got too much coursework to do so I can't be spending it on here at the moment : (
But I was just informed apple release this cool new ipod, with some features matching
the sony ericson walkman phone where you can flick the ipod to move to the next song.
- COOL! ..heres where the news is at. Click here.

1 comment:

— Godfrey said...

Hhahaha how jokes !!

i was @ the apple store yesterday having this same talk with some of their employees and my mate they always do it with all their products watch they bring out another new Mac Book : (
so mines will be like 3 times as old (and i only brought it last year)

FUN TIMES !! lol

nice blog BTW MATTTT